Our Ethos
Our work uplifts environmental and social justice efforts through supportive relationships and innovative thinking to challenge the status quo.
As a worker-owned and democratically-controlled cooperative, we seek to invert the tech industry’s dynamic of centralized corporate dominance by building better alternatives that are distributed, community-led, open, and accessible.
We choose to work on projects that defend the environment, benefit the public good, and deliver on multiple bottom lines with recognition of responsibility to one another, to our communities, and to a healthy future for all. We let our values steer the course and do the right thing even if no one is watching.
Sustainability and Stewardship
In all of our endeavors, we aim to uphold our role as good stewards of our work product and of the environment. Our team chooses technologies that minimize environmental impacts and takes care to build systems that last.
Open Source
We support open source initiatives and individuals by contributing to and collaborating with them. We understand the importance of open access to information and advocate for open data, open hardware, and systems built with them that contribute to public good.
Stronger Together
By sharing power, wealth, and responsibility we generate positive incentives to support each other, the growth of the cooperative, and economic resilience. Our team is constantly evolving to develop better outcomes by promoting personal and professional growth. We have flexible and realistic expectations and support a healthy work/life balance for everyone.